For the woman, a nightmare that lasted hours. Then she went to the hospital and the search began: the alleged perpetrator was arrested Indagini dei carabinieri Kidnapping and sexual assault ...
A drug dealing stronghold was discovered yesterday in Sassari, inside a building used as a nursery but illegally occupied for years by the pusher, who was arrested and taken to Bancali prison.
Continuous stalking and phone calls, but according to the defense it was to recover the money he gave her during a long telephone relationship that existed between the two and lasted for years Il ...
U-turn for the first migrants transferred to Albania under the agreements between the Meloni government and Tirana. After the rescue, a Navy ship took them not to Lampedusa or another Italian port ...
The Ministry of the Environment's report: on the island there are poisoned areas larger than 4 thousand football fields but no clean-up interventions Uno stabilimento industriale The delimitation ...
Choristers, soloists and instrumentalists of the Nova Euphonia Vocal Ensemble and the City of Sassari Student Choir will be directed by Maestro Vincenzo Cossu Un concerto del Festival delle ...
One of the rooms that house the Central Electoral Office is in disarray, the Flying Squad investigates: how was it possible to bypass the metal detector controls in the bunker building? Giallo ...
The umpteenth, the last, perhaps, the decisive one. Legislative Decree number 153 of the “horribilis” year of energy speculation on the Island of Nuraghi bursts into the Gazette of “bad news ...
Here's where the new roundabouts and roads will be built where the orange columns will be installed as a deterrent against speeding The point where the roundabout will be built in Piazza D'Armi ...
«Illegitimate»: Abbanoa cannot resort to tax injunctions to recover credits claimed against users. It cannot therefore block current accounts and demand payment within 30 days of often very ...
The return of the friendly neighborhood wall-crawler is causing quite the stir among the many speculations surrounding future Marvel Studios titles. Without a doubt, the delays due to the actors ...
Let's say it right away so as to avoid any uproar and shitstorms: Estelle Ferrarese, professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at the University Picardie Jules Verne, has no intention of ...