The third installment to Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog movie franchise is a tasteful adaptation of the video game Sonic Adventure 2 that caters to new fans of the series while paying tribute to the game’s ...
Read about the eight seniors’ first-quarter responses here. We’ve all heard the saying, “show me your five closest friends and I’ll show you your future,” and if it’s true for our seniors they’re ...
We’re all getting older—including our favorite artists. Ariana Grande is seeing love from a wiser perspective, and Zach Bryan is reconciling with the effects of his tough childhood. Tyler, the Creator ...
O2 Valley is an up-and-coming bento box and Taiwanese snack restaurant on University Ave. in downtown Palo Alto. Despite being surprisingly empty for lunchtime on the weekend, O2 Valley holds a ...
This is the 85th article in Bears Doing Big Things, a weekly column celebrating the stories of notable M-A alumni. At just 34 years old, Jamila Reinhardt ‘07 is a firefighter for the San Francisco ...
This is the 83rd article in Bears Doing Big Things, a weekly column celebrating the stories of notable M-A alumni. “Baseball is my whole world. It’s everything to me, and it defines who I am every day ...
Modern architecture, known for its simplicity and minimalism, has surged in popularity. Decorative styles are being replaced with sleek, functional features. As they approach adulthood, Gen Z is ...
“Even if you don’t like reading, the library has so many great things that you can use to get free access to your community,” Ella Hadrovic, the Menlo Park Library’s Teen Librarian, said. From video ...
The boys basketball team started their season off strong with a huge 77-55 win against the Willow Glen Rams on Wednesday night. After an impressive 21-8 record last year, the Bears are trying to ...
As the holidays roll in, coffee shops are offering festive drinks. From refreshing cold brews to cozy lattes, trying the most popular seasonal beverages from local cafes is a must. Here’s how they ...
Varsity Tutors is the latest addition to M-A’s online study tools. The free tutoring service provides students access to live chats with “expert” tutors, instructor-led lessons, and writing feedback.
Kareem Franklin put on his first helmet and shoulder pads when he was seven years old. Beginning his football career on the Central Valley 49ers team in elementary school, Franklin has since evolved ...