Richard B. Hays, the former dean and George Washington Ivey Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, has ...
The Asian House of Studies is hosting a luncheon to welcome students taking hybrid classes and to reconnect with the community as the spring term begins. This event offers an opportunity to meet ...
Duke Divinity School will hold a service with community reflection on Psalm 29 with the Rev. Dr. Keith Daniel, spiritual formation instructor.
The Methodist House leadership team invites students to relax and enjoy games and food with peers.
The Methodist House will host a luncheon and conversation with Dr. Jan Holton, professor of the practice of pastoral theology and care. This event is open to all students, staff, and faculty.
Duke Divinity School will hold a Service of Table & Blessing with the Rev. Meghan Benson presiding, and the Rev. Dr. Colin Yuckman celebrating.
Dr. Yuckman provides strategic coordination for the development and implementation of hybrid and digital pedagogies for Duke Divinity School’s remote learners, with specific emphasis on the M.A. and D ...
Hays was an internationally recognized scholar of New Testament ethics and biblical studies and served as dean of the Divinity School for five years. On Nov. 13, Dayna Bowen Matthew, J.D., Ph.D., dean ...
Duke Divinity School’s mission is to engage in spiritually disciplined and academically rigorous education in service and witness to the Triune God in the midst of the church, the academy, and the ...
Our hybrid-learning model allows you to keep your job, build a community focused on spiritual formation, meet UMC deacon’s requirements, and discern your future vocation, while earning a master’s ...
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