Its aim: destruction of the Partisan armies and liquidation of the free democratic state comprising roughly one-sixth of Yugoslavia—larger than Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island combined.
The capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, has suffered from many dark chapters in its history, both in World War 1 and also during the wars of former Yugoslavia. During the latter war ...
(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 21 FEB - Italy and Yugoslavia were very close to clashing in a full-fledged armed conflict to take hold of Trieste in 1953. At the time, the city was under international ...
The Austro-Hungarian Empire dissolved into Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed, Turkey was established. The German Empire became Germany ...
(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 21 FEB - Italy and Yugoslavia were very close to clashing in a full-fledged armed conflict to take hold of Trieste in 1953. At the time, the city was under international ...