We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
That will cause the river to flood the restaurant's building. They set up a yellow barrier, which can be seen in the video, but it broke Sunday night, allowing debris and river water to encroach ...
The NWS describes, "Minor flooding is forecast for Yellow River at Pleasant Hill Road near Lithonia." The NWS adds, "Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths ...
China has had a particularly long and terrible history of flooding. In the last 2000 years, the Yangtze River has flooded more than 1000 times. But it is the Hwang Ho or "Yellow River" that has ...
Heavy rain and unusually heavy snowmelt caused the Yangtze River, along with other major rivers like the Yellow and Huai, to ...
Flowing through the Fuling district of Chongqing Municipality, the Yangtze River looks as graceful as a teal green ...