Lennon once said that he felt the Fab Four had to fabricate themselves a bit in order to "leave Liverpool." Find out why, ...
Bob Dylan is a many of few words, but when it came to The Beatles he left it all out on the table in a rather complimentary ...
It also seems that John was worried that Paul was trying to damage his own work, as cracks began to show in their ...
Julian, whom John shared with first wife Cynthia Lennon, opens up in a new interview about how he hasn't felt connected to ...
"I'm just as curious as anybody else, although I do find myself going, 'how is it possible that there's another Beatles film?
The four musicians that comprised The Beatles — John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr — were known as “The Fab Four.” They exploded onto the scene in the U.K. in ...
John Lennon was never afriad to speak openly about his former band once they split, but before that, he felt they all compromised on their truth.
These were the last words that any Beatles fan has heard from the band. The recent 2025 Grammy nominations have sparked buzz in the media primarily over the discovery of “artificial intelligence ...
They were so busy being John and Paul, they failed to realise who else was around at the time.” In the same interview Harrison touched on the legacy of being a Beatle. “It just annoyed me that people ...
added Spizer. “And they are as exciting today as they were back in 1964.” Infamously, Capitol producer Dave Dexter Jr. slathered cavernous echo over a bunch of Beatles tracks in the U.S ...
A lot of the never-before-seen footage in Beatles '64 includes interviews with fans waiting outside in the freezing cold to try and catch a glimpse of the rock stars. Screaming fans were a fixture ...
“We learned it wasn’t quite the story,” Paul says of their expectations. But the Beatles themselves were discovering things, too, like the stink of classism from upper crust Brits in New ...