The New Britain Museum of American Art is a month late to the party, but its compact new exhibit, "Blue Grass, Green Skies: ...
For museums and their public, Impressionism is the Goldilocks movement: not too old or too new, not too challenging or too sappy; just right. Renaissance art may baffle with arcane religious ...
The cutting-edge tech of virtual reality allows you to time travel to 19th-century Paris from the heart of NYC!
The fourth chapter Legacy of Light: Modern Art After Impressionism consists of works by Matisse, Picasso and Braque, showing the emergence of Fauvism, Cubism and the colorful Modernism art scene.
Art, Food and Identity in the Age of Impressionism. “Anything having to do with food is going to be interesting to everybody,” says Mark Scala, the Frist’s chief curator. “We’re always ...
"By immersing visitors in the beauty of the impressionist movement, we hope to deepen their appreciation for art and its ability to inspire and provoke thought." Some key highlights of the ...