Venom is usually associated with insect stings and reptile bites. But this versatile, injectable substance is also used to attack or defend by a number of animals - including some you might not expect ...
Their secret? Venomous spit. In fact, these shrews are one of the only mammals on Earth with a toxic bite. But even they can’t contend with our next hunter, the mongoose. They mostly dine on ...
Food and Feeding Behavior: The neurotoxic saliva of the short-tailed shrew is a unique adaptation among North American mammals. Its poisonous bite is a result of secretions of the submaxillary glands ...
our Salish Sea shrews are not venomous and do not have the means to fend off a predator other than speed and boldness. Shrews are also parasitized by diverse mites and fleas, and here in the ...
The way a venom functions depends on what an animal needs it for. Shrew venom, for example, acts as a preservative. Shrews use their toxin-filled saliva to immobilise their prey. Storing their food in ...