As per ANI, "Film Nagar Police of Hyderabad registered a case against prominent Telugu film personalities, including Venkatesh Daggubati, Rana Daggubati, his brother Abhiram Daggubati, and their ...
Following the success of Sankranthiki Vasthunam, makers are trying their best to postpone the OTT release of the film.
A case has been filed against superstars Venkatesh Daggubati and Rana Daggubati. His brother Abhiram Daggubati and their father Suresh Babu Daggubati also face a police case in the demolition of ...
Besides Daggubati Venkatesh, his brother and producer Daggubati Suresh, Suresh's son and actor Daggubati Rana and, Rana's brother and producer Daggubati Abhiram have been charged under sections ...
The complainant, K Nandukumar, has alleged that the accused conspired to illegally take over a leased property. He said that he had taken the property on lease from the accused and had invested around ...
As the film fraternity celebrates the release of Venkatesh Daggubati’s latest movie, Sankranthiki Vasthunnam, the veteran actor remains characteristically composed. His spiritual inclination is ...
The Venkatesh Daggubati starrer Telugu action-comedy Sankranthiki Vasthunam has been released today (January 14). No sooner did the film witness a much-awaited Makar Sankranti release than ...
Renowned writer-turned-producer Kona Venkat has called on Telugu stars to follow the example of veteran actor Venkatesh, who ...
As per ANI, "Film Nagar Police of Hyderabad registered a case against prominent Telugu film personalities, including Venkatesh Daggubati, Rana Daggubati, his brother Abhiram Daggubati, and their ...
A case has been filed against superstars Venkatesh Daggubati and Rana Daggubati. His brother Abhiram Daggubati and their father Suresh Babu Daggubati also face a police case in the demolition of ...