The former LAPD detective who worked on the Biggie Smalls (Christopher Wallace) and Tupac Shakur murder cases said he would be willing to take a look into the Madeleine McCann investigation.
TupacShakur died in 1996 ... According to Chico Del Vec, a member of Junior M.A.F.I.A, which was started by BiggieSmalls, Tupac was actually flipping the bird at Biggie and his crew.
Two of the most notorious unsolved cases in the history of American crime – the murders of renowned rap stars Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls – have been the subject of exhaustive ...
A no-holds-barred investigation into the still unsolved murders of the two biggest superstars rap has ever produced - Christopher Wallace, aka BiggieSmalls, and TupacShakur. Unfortunately ...