Amsted Rail's bogie system was the first M976 system to get its certification ... Our new universal hatch cover’s proprietary design is the first to meet both vented and non-vented hopper applications ...
so visitors get an up-close look at one of our many advances in bogie design and how it is redefining bogie technology for the future." Through Amsted Rail’s global engineering team lead by Jay Monaco ...
with an upgraded bogie design for stability. Engineers have also built in more than 4,000 sensors to monitor everything from the car body and pantograph to train control and fire detection systems ...
The 20 m long middle carriages and the use of two driven single-wheel bogies, i.e. two pairs ... an optimum lightweight design. Further lightweight construction measures are required for the ...
Regarding energy savings, a streamlined cowling design on the bogies significantly cuts air resistance, while new lightweight ...