It was six-foot long and looked like a panther ... A Cambridgeshire highways worker spotted a massive black cat that he feared could have been an escaped panther. Jason Dobney, 44, filmed the ...
Spotted cat breeds are both rare and beautiful. They are popular with owners but can be expensive to purchase as there are not that many breeders. Some are entirely domestic but others are hybrid ...
In a national park near India’s easternmost border, an “elusive” feline with “unusually large” teeth stalked through the dark ...
The person who spotted the creature believed it could ... "Also the fence is likely 6 foot which puts the cat at less than 1 foot in height." The ODFW added that the animal's "coloration" provided ...
The clip opens with a ginger-haired cat lying on a carpet near the foot of a chair ... Realizing it's been spotted, the black and white cat executes a flawless recovery, smoothly lowering its ...