The name Rokumon comes from the coat of arms of the Japanese feudal lord who ruled the area in the 17th century. 23:15 On the platform, the sound of a conch shell, ...
Sunday was also the first anniversary of the opening of the conventional railway line running in parallel with the shinkansen ...
A 0-series shinkansen train was outfitted for the task ... As daytime operations increased and with them chances of sightings, the names "Doctor Yellow" and "train doctor" entered the public ...
Passengers who were on the same platform at JR Tokyo Station 60 years ago got a sense of deja vu when seeing off a departing Nozomi No. 1 Shinkansen on Oct. 1. In a similar ceremony as held then ...
A monitor at JR Tokyo Station informs travelers that some shinkansen services on the Tohoku and other lines in northeastern Japan are halted on March 10, 2025. (Kyodo) TOKYO (Kyodo) -- All bullet ...