The state budget line item for a safety net rental voucher program has grown significantly in recent years, but housing ...
Legislation introduced in the City Council this week would toughen penalties against landlords and brokers who refuse to rent to tenants using rental subsidies—a practice known as Source of Income ...
In addition to seeing a pullback of investors, Augusts warned about Trump's tariffs on lumber making it more expensive to ...
It's very difficult for young people to be able to afford to live here. For people in understaffed fields ... it's almost ...
When a recipient must give up their housing voucher, they lose access to the nation’s primary subsidized housing program.
Pretium is raising its first fund to acquire and renovate single-family homes for affordable rentals, specifically targeting ...
A one-bedroom apartment is available for $1,606 per month at 530 Main St., West Dennis, through Cape Cod Ready Rental program ...
Housing is a basic human need, but stable housing is out of reach or hard to keep for far too many people. This is a policy ...
Five of San Diego’s six housing authorities haven’t doled out tenant-based Section 8 vouchers to families on their waiting ...