The ubiquitous QR ("quick response") codes that appear on everything from parking pay stations to soda cans and promotional flyers have become an increasingly popular target for cybercriminals to ...
QR Codes are a two-dimensional type of matrix barcode that are used for a variety of uses. They’re one way of turning a long piece of string data into an easily machine-readable format.
Business cards, particularly when elevated with QR code, still serve a powerful role in establishing one’s identity and ...
The design of QR codes also make them well suited to 3D printing ... of where STL leaves something to be desired. When using a format like 3MF, color and material information could be baked ...
Google launches QR code feature for Business Profiles, making it easier to send customers directly to the review page.
The QR code (short for Quick Response code) was invented in 1994 by Denso Wave, a former subsidiary of Toyota, as a means of efficiently tracking vehicles and parts during the manufacturing process.