We deliver climate news to your inbox like nobody else. Every day or once a week, our original stories and digest of the web's top headlines deliver the full story, for free. ICN provides award ...
Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, 83, announced last week that he was giving away the $3 billion outdoor-apparel company he founded to help fight climate change. He said he and his family were ...
Reviewed by Thomas J. Catalano Fact checked by Michael Rosenston Patagonia, a manufacturer of upscale outdoor clothing, is ...
Mientras la Patagonia ofrece un verano extremo ... obedecen a factores meteorológicos únicos que definen el clima en ambas regiones. A qué se debe el calor extremo en el norte patagónico ...
Signed Yvon Chouinard. The privately held company’s stock will now be owned by a climate-focused trust and group of nonprofit organizations, called the Patagonia Purpose Trust and the Holdfast ...
La Patagonia argentina es un destino único, famoso por sus paisajes imponentes que incluyen montañas, bosques y estepas. Esta vasta región alberga una fauna adaptada a su clima severo ...
sino que además el clima otoñal sumó incertidumbre en el peor arranque de temporada de la última década. Mientras tanto, como una ironía del destino, las temperaturas en la Patagonia ...