Uncharted tells the story of Nathan Drake (Tom Holland), an aspiring adventurer, as he partners up with Sully (Mark Wahlberg) and Chloe Frazer (Sofia Ali) to find Ferdinand Magellan’s lost treasure.
How well do you know the Uncharted games? One of Sony's heaviest hitters of the PS3 and PS4 eras, Naughty Dog struck gold ...
Uncharted follows Nathan Drake, a treasure hunter, as he joins forces with seasoned explorer Victor Sully Sullivan. Together, ...
With Nathan Drake out of the picture seemingly for good, the next two candidates aside from Cassie Drake to stand as playable characters would be Sully or Sam. Since it appears as though the ...
Street-smart Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) is recruited by seasoned treasure hunter Victor "Sully" Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) to recover a fortune amassed by Ferdinand Magellan and lost 500 years ago ...
The Uncharted movie starring Tom Holland as everyone's favourite plucky hero, Nathan Drake, and Mark Walhberg as a mustacheless, Victor "Sully" Sullivan, has been confirmed to be hitting Netflix ...