the executive director and art director of Wilds. A section of our interview aired today during our PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted, where Fujioka explained the Monster Hunter team's hopes for Wilds ...
At the recent Monster Hunter Wilds preview event, Game Rant spoke with executive director/art director Kaname Fujioka (via a translator) about how Capcom approaches designing new monsters but also ...
When I enter the building where much of Monster Hunter Wilds has been created ... This is a small thing, but as always in art the small choices compound into a greater whole.
Monster Hunter Wilds players may soon be able to better tell how the game will run on their PCs if they're on the fence about it.
I’ve played the opening five hours of Monster Hunter Wilds and can’t wait to play more. That’s a massive change from how I’ve typically felt after playing previous games in the series.