Here are the details: Lake Michigan ... Wind gusts could reach 42 mph. Waves could build from 13 to 19 feet high. The NWS also issued a caution about unstable ice.
The Great Lakes reached their highest ice coverage in ... Protection Agency: Lake Superior: 483 feet in average depth, maximum depth at 1,332 feet. Lake Michigan: 279 feet in average depth ...
As of March 16, average ice cover across the lakes was roughly 13.5%. Lake Superior was at 9.2%, and Lake Michigan was at ...
Emergency responders rushed to Lake Chemung near Howell around 2:30 Wednesday afternoon after someone went through the ice. Video from SkyFOX shows multiple rescue workers in bright yellow gear ...
With the warm weather these past few days the ice on the Great Lakes is quickly receding. Here’s a look at how the ice cover measured up this winter. All of the Great Lakes with the exception of ...
with lake Erie retaining the most ice coverage among the lakes at 81.14%, NOAA said. Michigan's lower Great Lakes are past peak ice coverage, which typically coincides with the end of February ...
Lakes Superior and Michigan hit their peak ice cover with about 45% and 33%, respectively. Lake Erie was almost completely iced over for numerous days in February, reaching max ice cover of about ...