One of Europe’s most famous porn stars in the 1970s and 1980s, Cicciolina made her start in politics in 1979 as a candidate with an Italian Green party. In 1987, having switched to the Radical party ...
As well as being one of the most creative postwar Marxist thinkers, Sebastiano Timpanaro was also a dedicated activist. His ...
US President Donald Trump’s pivot toward Russia amid its war in Ukraine has collided with the stance of Italian Prime ...
The Great Ambition' biopic of Italy's late Communist Party leader Enrico Berlinguer has been sold widely by Fandango Sales.
Crucially, the party's No. 2, Deputy Prime Minister Angelino ... he sent shockwaves through Italian politics. “Alfano Betrays: part of the PdL goes over to the Left in exchange for a cushy ...
New Centre-Right Party Senator, Giuseppe Esposito, talks about what the effects will be, depending on the decision handed out by the judges, on the Italian political situation.
Much of the Italian centre left, but no party leaders, made a pilgrimage Saturday to Ventotene, the island south of Rome ...
At this time, the populist M5S party emerged as the largest ... the leaders of M5S were calling for. When these political developments hit the Italian economy, it caused further turmoil.
Leave it to lawmakers to get political over an automotive icon. It seems two Italian senators want to make the popular, but high-polluting Fiat 500, above current environmental restrictions.
Italian A-lister Elio Germano (pictured ... Union and the U.S. in a democratic attempt to bring the largest political party in the West to power,” she said. “It could seem dated but ...