In an MIT News post, the scientist explained that “we have to find some way of rewiring society so that we are not just ...
Earth’s core could contain helium from the early solar system. The noble gas tucks into gaps in iron crystals under high pressure and temperature.
The American Chemical Society, Lyon County Public Library and Murray State University recognized William Kelly's pneumatic process for refining iron as a National Historic Chemical Landmark on May 11, ...
Geologists have discovered the largest iron ore deposit ever found in human history - estimated to be worth the combined GDP of the United Kingdom, Italy and France (2023 figures).
Iron can form compounds with helium at pressures as low as 5GPa – about 50,000 atmospheres – researchers in Japan report.
Fran Scott explains iron extraction. The main raw material is iron ore and this arrives in the UK by ship in huge quantities from Brazil. Other raw materials include coal and limestone. The coal ...
During the last 30 years, knowledge of iron-sulfur proteins has grown exponentially. Extensive investigation of this class of proteins has continually led to the discovery of new chemical ...
the chemical-sensing measurements were done at extremely cold, or cryogenic, temperatures. This way prevented helium from escaping and allowed us to detect helium in iron.” This finding has ...
While zinc is more reactive than iron, it still offers a physical barrier but also provides chemical protection. This video shows what happens during the galvanising process. This method works by ...
The research team led by Dr. Su-Un Lee and Dr. Ho-Jeong Chae from the Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) ...