The moon performed a cosmic ballet with Mars this week.
So I grabbed my camera, ran outside, and looked up just as Mars was supposed to emerge from the Moon's curved horizon. Seen ...
A NASA satellite has spotted frozen "kidney beans" on Mars' sand dunes trapped in place until springtime. Photographing them ...
It’s a term used by astronomers to describe when Earth, Mars and the Sun align. When this happens, Earth sits directly ...
"Springtime on Earth has lots of trickling as water ice gradually melts. But on Mars, everything happens with a bang," Serina ...
Immersive celebration of space science and art runs from February 15 through April 27 ...
On Monday night you may have a chance to witness the moon obscuring the Red Planet at its brightest, as well as a comet’s ...
Every 26 months, the orbits of Earth and Mars allow us a closer look when Mars is at opposition — which will happen on Jan.