In the forthcoming second season of Gotham, young Bruce Wayne will continue on his path toward having increasingly distinct personalities for his day-to-day life and his “investigative” life ...
DC's Absolute Batman breaks down the alternate reason why Bruce Wayne chose bats as his symbol in this new universe (and it ...
Bruce Wayne's decision to fight crime as Batman seems noble on the surface, but his father just revealed why it might not ...
Why Bruce Wayne got so big in Absolute Batman #4 by Scott Snyder and Gabriel Walta from DC Comics today (Spoilers) ...
Karma and genetics getting all mixed up in the narrative here, on the streets of Gotham. Still, Bruce Wayne isn't going to ... harvesting the young to make the CEOs of the world stronger, younger ...
Gordon gets an alleyway, which is perfect for consoling a young Bruce Wayne. And Cat can hang out ... “The Anvil or the Hammer” episode of Gotham airs Monday, April 27th on FOX.
Gargoyle Of Gotham. As a reminder, the series follows the caped crusader as he battles sadistic killers and economic inequality. Incidentally, this version of Bruce Wayne has tired of his double ...
The second issue left me confused and perplexed in the best way possibly, leading to feelings of intrigue and predictions on how everything ties together.
This series has already shown Bruce’s inciting moment of Thomas Wayne’s death, but there’s a long way between that and the Batman we see in first issue. With no billionaire trust ...