Modern scrub mints, delicate flowering plants that grow mostly in Florida, likely result from ancient hybridization, ...
While National Arbor Day is always in April, many Floridians do not know that Florida’s Arbor Day is the third Friday in ...
The group’s new language appears aimed at addressing many of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ arguments against the 2024 proposal.
The Smithsonian Institution in the 1850s recruited hundreds of citizen scientists across the nation to track when they saw ...
Air plants bloom only once, their small pink, coral, purple or white flowers signaling their impending death. But no worries: ...
MacCubbin gives advice on gardening in Florida including care of camellias, tomatoes, geraniums, bahiagrass, vegetables, ...
How are your plants doing? Even in Florida. we're used to some cold days in the winter and we know how to bring plants in or throw covers over them for the worst of it. But if you missed some ...
Andre A. Naranjo is Botanical Curator at Florida International University. Modern scrub mints, delicate flowering plants that grow mostly in Florida, likely result from ancient hybridization ...