The GTA and surrounding areas are expected to see rainfall and strong winds on Sunday, starting in the early morning and ...
Environment Canada says rainfall amounts of 10 to 20 millimetres are expected in Toronto on Sunday, potentially causing ...
With the Greater Toronto Area expected to see rain throughout the weekend, authorities are warning of potentially hazardous ...
Toronto could see flooding in some areas Wednesday with up to 25 millimetres of rain expected to fall over the next 24 hours.
With heavy rain expected for some parts of Ontario this weekend, you might be thinking about flooding. One study ranks cities ...
A special weather statement is in effect for Toronto with accumulations of up to 25 mm of rain in some areas and wind gusts topping 80 km/h.
As the rain falls and temperatures rise, the flood risk is upgraded in the Greater Toronto Area. Both Credit Valley ...
A rebate program offered this year to help Mississauga residents recover from last summer’s devastating historic floods could ...
Toronto has pivoted from snowstorms to showers, and with that comes the risk of flooding. Temperatures in the city have been pretty ...
Environment Canada has issued a special weather statement for Toronto, warning of possible flooding within the next 24 hours due to heavy rainfall and melting snow.
A special weather statement is in effect for Toronto and the surrounding regions for heavy rainfall and melting snow that may cause conditions for localized flooding, Environment Canada said. The city ...
Data from Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ) showed that insured losses to commercial properties due to ...