Another year, another drought for North Carolina farmers, who head into spring planting season with a lot of uncertainty.
Learn more at Plant Corn Hybrids Where They’ll Perform ... you likely also farm a number of defensive-type fields – will not mitigate drought stress. For example, Ferrie says planting a ...
Texas crawfish production is faring better than last year’s dismal harvest, but the industry has not fully recovered.
but not rain to ease the drought. We have wells that are going dry, so there’s less and less water available.” Many of the businesses in the area may never recover. Field Corn Field corn ...
“So far, the drought has affected corn more than our ... Still, as Grete got into corn fields on Monday and started peeling back the ears, he uncovered an extremely resilient crop.
An analysis of data covering 12 years and 10 U.S. Corn Belt states reveals that farmers suffer economic loss from the overuse ...
Argentina’s corn 2021/22 crop has now been estimated at less than the 48 million tons of just a few weeks ago, according to the Rosario grains exchange, because a severe drought has slashed yields.
Since then, farmers have extensively used "Bt corn" hybrids. Subsequently, multiple field studies have reported ... and soil ecosystems and enhance drought tolerance," Ye said.