The two sons of Vespasian Titus and Domitian (ruled 79 – 81 AD, and 81 – 96 AD respectively) could not have been more different as emperors. Although Titus had a reputation for ruthlessness ...
Domitian’s murder marked the end of the Flavian dynasty and changed the rules of succession. Nerva and Trajan (ruled 96 – 98 AD, 98 – 117 AD) were not born to rule, but were chosen for the job.
There is no doubt that the audience the First Epistle of Peter (1 Peter) had in mind was suffering persecution. Whether it was from Nero before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE or during the ...
The drama unfolds as it becomes crucial to determine which of his two sons, Titus or Domitian, will succeed him, each with ...