Bosnia, Serbia

Bosnian state prosecutors have ordered the arrest of Russian-backed Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik for ignoring a court ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina is arguably in its biggest crisis since the end of the civil war (1992–1995) and the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995, ...
During his visit to the Bosnian capital on Monday, Mark Rutte reaffirmed NATO's support for Bosnia's territorial integrity ...
NATO will not let a security vacuum develop in Bosnia and Herzegovina at this time of crisis but political leaders should ...
Bosnian Serb lawmakers on Thursday passed a set of laws barring central Bosnian judiciary and police from the Serb-run entity in Bosnia, sending tensions soaring in the troubled Balkan country after a ...
A court in Bosnia has sentenced separatist Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik to one year in prison and banned him from politics for six years because of his unconstitutional actions ...
Since the end of Bosnia's inter-ethnic war in the 1990s, the Balkan country has consisted of two autonomous halves – the Serb ...