The Animated Series as a throwback to the female assistants villains would have in the 1966 Batman show and tribute to the series creator’s former roommate, Arleen Sorkin—who’d come to voice ...
Batman's Gotham City is constantly under siege from a superstitious and cowardly lot of criminals. Still, there is often a time in which the city becomes the victim of a truly evil villain.
The Batman Arkham franchise does justice to this one villain who is almost represented in a wrong way in other adaptations. Let's find out who.
With rumors once again swirling that Mister Freeze will be the villain for The Batman Part II, something I am dying to see, there’s another, lesser known villain that seems like he could be set ...
Absolute Batman does sprinkle appearances and references to some of his classic villains in the first issue, but not in ways that fans were probably expecting. For example, the first villain ...
The Batman connected with viewers because it took a familiar villain — the Riddler — and gave him a new motive, one that felt appropriate in a time when the rich kept getting richer as the ...