The DC Universe finds its Batman for The Brave and The Bold in Jensen Ackles through new DC art. While it may not have a ...
Batman: Dark Patterns is exactly what it sounds like ... It is a fantastic opener for the comic. The art was almost off putting at first, but, just a few pages in, it struck a perfect chord ...
First, every single piece of art in Batman #50 is just that ... this list is how Catwoman is depicted. While Batman is downright majestic as the Dark Knight looking out over Gotham, Catwoman ...
But first, let's dive into this week's comic preview! Batman: Dark Patterns #2 slices its way into stores on January 8th. Here's what we're dealing with, meatbags: BATMAN ON THE HUNT FOR THE ...
Many of those who laud today’s dark Batman blame the earlier saccharine version on the Adam West Sixties-era TV show. But the reality is that Batman had reflected this sunniness since 1940.
The creative director for Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal, Hugo Martin, is the game director of Doom: The Dark Ages - and he’s a big Batman fan.