Blessed Geza, a militant and vocal leader of Zimbabwe's war veterans, has issued an ultimatum to President Emmerson Mnangagwa ...
Harare - Expelled Zanu PF Central Committee member and militant war veteran Blessed Geza has reignited political tensions in ...
HARARE – Zimbabwe’s First Lady, Auxillia Mnangagwa, once distanced herself from political affairs, drawing a sharp contrast between herself and her predeces ...
EMPOWERMENT proponent First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, who initiated business ventures for widows countrywide under her Widows Association, giving the widows dignity and a chance to be self-reliant, ...
Environment and tourism patron, First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, yesterday led in the planting of more than 3 000 indigenous and exotic trees in Mashonaland East Province as she fights to provide ...
Persons with disabilities can be assured that their voices will always be heard in the formulation of national policies and ...
President Mnangagwa commissioned the National Digital Ambassadors Programme, an initiative that will potentially transform ...
Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa is seen off by Mr Christopher Sullivan, the Deputy Secretary to the Governor of New South Wales at Government House in Sydney, Australia Read the original article on The Herald .