As the first black chef to make it on to the television, Ainsley Harriott is regarded within the industry as somewhat of a trailblazer. Now 30 years on, the 67-year-old has welcomed the increased ...
Ainsley Harriott, the lively and passionate TV chef, has been a familiar face on our screens for many years. Born in London to his mother Peppy and father Chester Leroy, a well-known Jamaican-born ...
Ainsley Harriott travelled to the West Indies to uncover his roots and soon discovered that Caribbean history isn't quite as 'black and white' as he'd imagined. Ainsley thought he already knew a ...
We found James Harriott on the 1825 register, owning eight slaves. So we could confirm that Ebenezer's father, Ainsley's great-grandfather, had been a white slave owner. Much Jamaican genealogy ...
We found James Harriott on the 1825 register, owning eight slaves. So we could confirm that Ebenezer's father, Ainsley's great-grandfather, had been a white slave owner. Much Jamaican genealogy ...