To celebrate his birthday, A.R. Rahman announces the launch of the Bharat Maestro Awards through his music institute, the KM Music Conservatory. Indian musician and producer A.R. Rahman is celebrating ...
Double Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman has music projects in every corner of the world. But none is bigger than his long-term plan to build a better India through culture. Rahman ("Slumdog ...
Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globe and Grammy-winning composer A.R. Rahman (“Slumdog Millionaire”) and the KM Music Conservatory have unveiled the Bharat Maestro Awards, a new initiative celebrating ...
17) Rahman wanted to become a computer engineer as electronic gadgets and technology fascinated him but soon he realized that his true potential lies in music. 18) A.R Rahman was a keyboard player ...
R. Rahman is an Indian music composer ... tutor and train aspiring musicians in vocals, instruments, music technology, and sound design. The conservatory, which has preeminent musicians on ...